On the Web
2025. "Arlene Chan Inspires Ogden JPS Students with History of Toronto's Chinatowns," Feb. 7.
2025. "Morris Lum, Arlene Chan, and Linda Zhang: Chinatown in Pictures", Toronto Biennail of Arts, North York Central Library.
2024. "Tales from the Front: Righting the Wrongs," Last Spike: 2024 Tribute to Chinese Railroad Workers, Foundation to Commemorate the Chinese Railroad Workers in Canada, 2024, p. 41-48.
2024. June 26. "Finding Fred Lee," OMNI-TV.
2024. March 8. International Women's Day. "Arlene Chan | Generational Activism: Documenting Chinese Canadian Belonging", The School Room, Chinese Canadian Museum.
CCM Website: https://www.chinesecanadianmuseum.ca/programs/the-school-room-podcast
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pLBFQVdVKTzDfTqoC6Ffu?si=4f07592c910c4069
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/arlene-chan-generational-activism-documenting-chinese/id1714513056?i=1000648409498
YouTube: https://youtu.be/5SzN-BYqBTk
2023. July 1. 100 years ago the Chinese were excluded from Canada, CBC. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1993039/chine-immigration-exclusion-loi-discrimination
2023. "Breaking Down Barriers in Toronto's Chinese Community."
Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=222923310349819
2022. "Chinese Immigrant Stories with Arlene Chan and Melanie Ng." Podcast: https://nuvoices.com/2022/10/05/nuvoices-podcast-82-chinese-canadian-immigrant-histories-with-arlene-chan-and-melanie-ng/
2021. "Toronto Chinatown," Canadian Encyclopedia. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/toronto-chinatown
2021. "Kew Dock Yip," Canadian Encyclopedia.
2021. "Mayor of Toronto's Chinatown," A Place to Belong, Episode 3, Historica Canada. Arlene Chan helps us explore the history of the Chinese people in Canada, and one Chinese Canadian woman’s determination to save Toronto’s Chinatown.
A Place to Belong | Mayor of Toronto’s Chinatown (transistor.fm)
2021. Toronto History Museum's Hungry for Comfort. "Chinese Food: Diversity & Delights." Co-curated by Leo and Arlene Chan. Hungry for Comfort – City of Toronto
2021. "Episode 1: Arlene," Our Chinatown: the Stories We Cherish, an oral history project by Nina Zhou, Columbia University.
Episode 01: Arlene — Our Chinatown: The Stories We Cherish (ylz-oralhistory.com)
2019. "Arlene and Leo Chan," We Are Canada, Canadian Race Relations Foundation.
2019. Daubs, Katie. "Riots, raids and rounding up enemy aliens: how soldiers back from the front rocked Toronto's Chinatown." Toronto Star, Nov. 13, 2019.
2019. Chan, Arlene. "Cantonese opera in Toronto." Spacing Toronto, March 11.
2019. "Tea Base and Gentrification in Chinatown,"
2019. "In the Belly of Hogtown," Episode 3 Chinatown.
In The Belly of Hogtown Episode 3 Chinatown - YouTube
2018. "Racialized stories are plenty but go untold: Remembrance Day panel discusses efforts of minorities," Dominik Kurek, Nov. 8.
2018. Textile Museum Profile: Arlene Chan. Now Magazine, May 7.
2018. Chan, Arlene. "Jean Lumb," Canadian Encyclopedia.
2018. "Asian Heritage Month: Toronto’s past and present Chinatown," by Marc Montgomery Radio Canada International, Tuesday 22 May .
2018. "Arlene Chan: Chinese Canadian Histories," Podcast by Andrew Hunter, Curator, Art Gallery of Guelph, 2018.
2018. "Changing Chinatown," Adrian Cheung, CBC News, Feb. 16.
2018. "See how Toronto's Chinatown has evolved through the decades," Adrian Cheung, CBC News, Feb. 15.
2017. "The Storyteller Arlene Chan," Fairchild TV, December 27.
2017. "Lunch lesson: five essential dishes that tell the story of Toronto's Chinatown," by Corey Mintz, Toronto Life", Dec. 25.
2017. "The Mystery of Nostra Culpa," The Mystery Files, TVOKids, July.
2017. "Gateway to Ontario," My Ontario - A Vision Over Time.
2017. Chan, Arlene. "Chinese Immigration Act," Canadian Encyclopedia.
Interview, Closure of Honest Ed's, Fairchild TV, http://www.fairchildtv.com/english/programarchive_detail.php?n=18&topic=2499&episode=4635
2016. "Chinese Head Tax in Canada," http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/chinese-head-tax-in-canada/
2016. "Historic Toronto Chinese Restaurants," Arlene and Leo Chan, University of Toronto Scarborough, Dec. 10.
2016. Chan, Arlene. "Bringing the Chinese Canadian Archive into View," Spacing magazine, 2016.
2016. "Rediscovering Toronto's Lost Chinatown", by Beatrice Paez. New Canadian Media, June 1.
2015. "The San Francisco Dragon Boat Festival Turns 20", by Caitlin Harrington. Hoodline, Sept.
2015. Video of panel discussion about The Ward with John Lorinc, Ellen Scheinberg, Tatum Taylor, and myself, for the eh List Lunchtime Series, Toronto Public Library
The Ward, City Hall Library, May 28.
2014. "Vintage press holds Canadian history," Ottawa Citizen, June 23.
2013. A radio interview by Mary Ito about the Year of the Dragon.
2012, A warm welcome to Vancouver by many artists, writers, and community activists I met for the first time, including Jim Wong-Chu, Allan Chou, Sid Chow Tan, Sean Gunn, Albert Lee, and Todd Wong.
"Arlene Chan: Chat and Chew," Vancouver.
2012, Chinese media coverage about my book, The Chinese in Toronto from 1878
"From Chop Suey to Peking Duck: The Evolution of Chinese Food in Toronto."
Abstract of the conference paper that I presented in Vancouver.
2012. Video clip covers my story about the Chinese in Toronto
WCILCOS. Interview with Six WCILCOS Delegates, May.
Video clip about the history of the Chinese in Toronto
Heritage Toronto. Cultural Diversity Stories.
My stories about the Chinese in Toronto
Heritage Toronto. "Storytellers: Arlene Chan''
2012, Video clip that tells the story of the Chinese community's connection with Toronto's textile industry.
Twelve unexpected facts about me.
Open Book. ''The Dirty Dozen with Arlene Chan''
Answers to questions about my book, The Chinese in Toronto from 1878
Open Book Toronto. "Ten Questions with Arlene Chan"
Storyteller profile.
I shared the stage with three other storytellers, Sang Kim, Chef David Lee, and Jason Lee.
Storytelling program, Passages to Canada, launches video series
Media coverage of the book launch of The Chinese in Toronto from 1878
2011. The late Jean Lumb is honoured by the Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs. I accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of the Lumb family.
ACCE, Lifetime Achievement Award.